Hello. Arent these 2 birdys cute? Birdy num-num.
Got a call from Sonic Boom. He is in sf/la doing some shows. Gee i know i'm not going2make it out. I'm terrible. I suck.
I've HAD IT with going out, clubs and all. The day before i think yeah i can do this, it'll b great. But then when tomorrow night rolls around, hell i just dont wanna. Even if it's something cool. I dont know, i have so much fun at home, get so much done. But i couldnt tell him no on the phone. What's wrong with me? I love u pete.
Went2the San Rafael farmers' mkt. Bought a belgian waffle but had to throw it away when the guy wasnt looking. Bought some chocolate for Lisa Guerin. (Hi). Had the best coffee drinks of our lives so far. Really. Apple pie,
Panorama pizza, popcorn, red mustard greens, apples and oranges, baklava, Indian pumpkin bread, spinach bread and potato bread, Taylor Maid coffee beans, Panorama cranberry walnut bread, I LOVE NORTHERN CALI yall.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy looking at pix of
Isla Fisher.