This was left on our dock, it looks kind of surreal standing there like that. The bar going across her front is a towel rack. And speaking of towels, remember Towelie? I loved Towelie.
While i was out there on the dock, one of my neighbors came out to axe if R and I might consider participating in this year's Floating Homes tour.
I told him my first inclination was to
just say no thank u, but that I'd talk about it with R. I cant see us participating tho. It involves hundreds of ppl walking thru your house all day. See what i'm sayin'? Ppl love taking the tour, and A and R actually bought tickets one year but there were long lines to get into some of the boats and it was such a crowded event we bailed after a few minutes. A lot of wine drankin' goes on, and boat owners bring out oeur d'ouevres for the ppl waiting in line. It's a very sociable thing.
No tour or shows or anything...2 busy getting ready for tomorrow's virgin houseboat visit from Bruce Anderson.