Thursday, May 31, 2012
u hit me with a flower
And speaking of being hit with a flower, no tour or shows or anything...2busy having a cuppa.
And how YOU doin'?
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
push the little daisies and make 'em come up
I cant eebn believe that Ween formed about 25 years ago. Kind of sickening actually how fast that went. And let's hear it for their sticky lyrics. To this day i still walk around saying "Pack your bags i dont need the ag, on your knees u big-booty bitch, start suckin'." Ok so maybe not "great" lyric writing but totally un4gettable.
Finally red about the guy who ate the other guy's face. Reminds me of Bruce Anderson's excellent impression of Paul Lynde: "You wont bite my face off, will ya?"
No tour or shows or anything...2busy doing sun salutations.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
peanut butter and jellyfish
While multi-tasking (talking on the phone to my super-adorable friend Heater, eating a peanut-butter sammich, and looking out the downstairs window) i saw this jellyfish swimming by.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy avoiding reading anything about the guy who ate another guy's face.
Monday, May 28, 2012
rock and roll on newtown lane
Check out this piece on Open for the Stones, curated by Kevin Teare. ACC has a photo titled RichRedLips in the show that shares wall space with Lou Reed and others.
And speaking of Lou Reed, peel slowly to see.
And how YOU (and your cats) doin'?
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
slap and punch
The 27th is anniversary day and what better way 2 celebrate than by getting two new vocal effects for the studio called Slap and Punch. Well, that and a little adult entertainment.
Happy Anni!
by Paul Dodd
This charcoal drawing, a gift from the artist, arrived in yesterday's mail.
Thank u Paul! A&R love it.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy taking tutorials.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
totally inappropriate for my age group
...But i had to have it.
Wearing it around the hb,
Rockin' it like i'm Chloe Sevigny.
She might wear it. With pale pink heels. Not candy-colored, more like this. But the eagle on the front is shiny gold. I coulda done w/o that.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy recording vocals.
oh. i thought u said...
Saw a van on Bridgeway yesterday with the words SUPERLAXATIVE - STEAM CLEANING. I thought "What the hell izzat? Somewhere between a coffee enema and a high-colonic? AND they come to the house?" Then i took a closer look: Not SUPERLAXATIVE u dummy, SUPERLATIVE.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
what i work on instead of writing songs
I dont know, i just cant get it up anymore for writing songs. Still love doing O.P's material tho. And speaking of other people's material, ACC and RWS r almost finished with the final XTAL cover. Love ya Neo! No tour or shows or anything...2busy trying to remember the safe word.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
and whatever comes our way
The view driving along Ocean Beach. (Again?? Get a life.-Ed.) And speaking of the view, remember that funny dialogue in CARNY? Gary Busey asks somebody "What's the worse thing about oral sex?" "The view!" Aboard the HB, the view is the mirror-balls hanging in the windows, swaying in the breeze. Everything all twinkly ya'll.
Monday, May 21, 2012
ask me about alan vega
Even tho i just said "ask me about Alan Vega" i cant think of how 2 begin. Perhaps because alot of this shits is in the category of Information Given on a Need-to-Know basis. Too bad because one thing i'm thinking of right now is hilarious but...oh, here we go, brain is kicking in now: I was in a car in Los Angeles with Al&Marty (i love referring to them as Al&Marty) on the way to a SUICIDE show. It was daylight. Alan is looking out the window and says "if i see one more beautiful blonde person i'm gonna kill myself."
And speaking of beautiful blondes, i smell trouble!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
who's bad?
Been "playing" badminton. (Hi Neesie!) No net, no keeping score, no rules. No improvement. And speaking of no, no tour or shows or anything...2busy trying to remember my rock dream from last night.
Friday, May 18, 2012
every day is alan vega day
Thanks to HT for providing this BIGGERBETTER picture. And in case u 4got, here i is again with AV. ('Meh' on the Nenah Cherry version. Kinda blows imho.)
Best wishes Alan, I'll always love u.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
pucker up butternut i wanna kiss u one time
Made butternut squash soup for dinner last nite. i love cookin' for my man Ricky. No tour or shows or anything...2busy rehydrating.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
this mx80 tshirt is so cool!
Found at Etsy. Yeah sure, it's an infringement, but I want one! This item is NOT an infringement. Find it and other licensed MX merch at Cafe Press.
Not to early to shop for back-to-school items, innit?
Monday, May 14, 2012
face in the crowd

And speaking of faces in crowds, this just in.
Getting excited about next ACC covers project. Hint: initials T.P. (Toilet paper? -Ed.)
No tour or shows or anything...2busy recording yet another X-TAL song. Sorry 2 disappoint but my accordion may have to sit this one out.
attack of the giant larkspur
Or is it lupine? How do u tell which is which? Well dont ask me u son of a bitch. Remember that lyric? From I Walk Among Them by MX80. NOW you're awake, eh?
Sunday, May 13, 2012
blurry/not blurry
Nothing about Mother's Day here. Well, one thing: "Mother's half a word." Someone said that to me when i was quite young, i didnt get it for years. I was so square as a kid. And a tattletale. What a wicked combination. I shoulda been a cop.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
i'm no paul dodd
Paul Dodd takes perfect pictures, with just the right amounts of foreground and background. To see his pics in their complete format, go here and click his images.
When i'm out with my camera i try to imitate that foreground/background thing but never get it quite right.
This is a huge dog.
No tour or shows or anything...2 busy wishing i hadnt gone to that 2girls1cup site.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
i dont know...just where i'm going
Gots me a brand new main man, stormchaser Howie Bluestein. He spends alot of time on the road, hoping for a storm to turn into a tornado. He's tracking the storm with all this tech gear, but even so, sometimes he ends up driving around somewhat aimlessly.
So what's he doing here at NON TOUR DIARY? Because while he's driving around looking for tornadoes, he does a feeble and totally endearing Lou Reed impression, reciting (u cant really call it "singing") these lyrics:
"I dont know
Just where I'm going
But I'm gonna try for the kingdom, if i can
'Cause it makes me feel like I'm a man"
Gosh, I coulda cried with both my eyes. I love u Howie Bluestein.
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
r.i.p. vidal sassoon
ACC sported one of the first Sassoon cuts done stateside. After the cut I went around the corner to a Paraphernalia shop and bought a paper dress. As i was trying it on in the dressing room a photographer laid down on the floor on his back and held his camera underneath the half-door to take some shots of me. Hey, it was the 60s, it didnt seem like a big deal at all, it was kinda cool. Here's a paper dress for Pinky.
U did good, Vidal.
Monday, May 07, 2012
Sunday, May 06, 2012
Saturday, May 05, 2012
gaultier at the de young
There is so much one could say about the Gaultier exhibit but i wouldnt even know where 2 begin. The hi-tech execution of the concept is pretty much mind-blowing. If u r thinking of going, please dont read or look at anything online ahead of time, just go and be surprised and delighted. Mega-surprised and hugely delighted.
The show has different aspects/layers, for instance u can sit down and watch a Catherine Deneuve movie on a screen almost as big as in a movie theater. (Gaultier did her clothing).
Usually these fashion exhibits r attended by mostly women and gay men. This one had an audience of everyone--gay/straight, men/women, old/young. And every single person was interested and engaged. Fact is, u dont really have to be interested in fashion at all to enjoy the show. I hope u get to go. It's a whole 'nother world.
Friday, May 04, 2012
Thursday, May 03, 2012
parlor or pyre?
Listening to Al Green sing Light My Fire today, i thought sure i heard him say "and our love become a funeral parlor" rather than "funeral pyre". I liked the surprise of hearing "parlor," it really caught me off guard. With vinyl u could lift up the needle and play the section over and over until you were certain that you were hearing things correctly. No can do with iTunes.
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
well hung
I'm not going on the road but a photo i took is. Here it is, on its way to a gallery, leaning against a painting (also in the show) by Stuart Sutcliffe. The show is titled Open for the Stones Vol. 2;the curator correlates my photo to this.
on the corner
Anza Street at 46th Avenue, my former 'hood.
Time saving tip: Dont read the Wrecking Crew book by Kent Hartman. Sorry 2 say how smelly it is. Here's an example: "A couple of months after Glen Campbell and his uncle Boo made their exhilarating getaway in search of musical fame and fortune across the far reaches of the Continental divide..." Cmon now, that just stinks. And that's just one half of one sentence. Instead, check out HAL BLAINE & THE WRECKING CREW by Hal hisself. Once u start reading, u wont want to stop.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy peeling oranges.
(For more on orange peeling, click here.)
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