Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
hey wont u leave me alone i'm talkin' on the telephone

Somewhat sadly, the time has come for ACC to finally get an iPhone.
I still love my old phone but there's so much it cant do. Ppl keep wanting to text me and i have to tell them, oh sorry, my phone cant text. It also cant take pictures which means that i cant instagram unless i'm at home. So that's my big event.
Anyway, still no tour or shows or anything...2busy downloading.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
HO 3
And in case you've forgotten, there's this.
In bed at 7:45 with a new book, terrific prezzie from Ho Ho Howard T.
OK kids, later.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
meaty beaty etc.
Yeah nothing quite says 'happy holidays' like a big box o' meat, eh? (The term 'beef curtains' comes to mind. -Ed.) And what's with that Tipper Gore behind this?
Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy listening to the rhythm of the falling rain, pitter patter pitter patter.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
it's beginning to look alot like
Crocheting lots of soft chunky wool fishnet scarves. And speaking of holiday prezzies, here are two for you.
And if u liked those, you'll love this. So good. Dont get the wrong idea tho...I am not addicted to Chrishmish.
And if u liked those, you'll love this. So good. Dont get the wrong idea tho...I am not addicted to Chrishmish.
Monday, December 15, 2014
my red (and green) joystick
The rain is back, hurray. This winter Bay Area hills are turning green rather than holding onto their soft brown colors of summer and fall.
Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy morphing.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
in today's mail
Thanks to everybody's favorite elf for the cool card. Well, my bahookie is already in bed at 6:25 pm.
Goodnight nurse.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
hang on sloopy
Storm of the decade is what "they" r calling an incoming weather system. A landlubber kindly offered to share her house with us for the next few days. I hope saying 'no' wasnt a mistake.
Sunday, December 07, 2014
fly me through the storm and wake up in the calm
Big storm with high winds on its way to northern Cali. Being in a houseboat in the uber-wind (predicted to reach 50-70 mph on Wednesday/Thursday)) can be prittty gnarly.
And speaking of gnarly and windy, i see that ACC's first drummer is still rockin' her kit like there's no tomorrow. She's probably easier to get along with now that she's older? Fact remains, she is super-coordinated.
My favorite days with her were b4 she got the big full-on kit. Prior to that she stood up to play using an electronic pad. She was extra-cute behind that thing, dancing around, smiling and singing great backup vocals.
And speaking about standing up drumming, i just checked these gals out, i've been seeing them on instagram lately. And still speaking of drummers, i'm happy that Lee Wall will be joining Luna on the 2015 tour dates. Britta and Lee are my favorite Luna rhythm section. They sound so good together.
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
purple urkle
Started the Joe Perry audiobook yesterday. He seems like a good guy,
cant say i ever liked his band tho. Joe narrates, he sounds a little like Barney Hill. Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy opening up a can.
Monday, December 01, 2014
enter (then shake it)
Still listening to the Jerry Lee Lewis audiobook. Yesterday when i turned it on the first thing i heard was "and bit the head off a live chicken." Not sure who did the biting, i kinda lose track of who stole whose car, who broke whose jaw, who bailed who out of jail.
But the fact remains, back then i loved how crazy he made me feel. Do ppl even get to feel that crazed and wild anymore? Not sure but i dont think so.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
today is rich stim's birthday
Surprised R with this vegan donut to go with his morning coffee. And added my name to a card that arrived in the mail yesterday, which made R laugh. That's what people do, they like to laugh all night. Happy Birthday Rich!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy shakin' it.
When I was a wee shaver, it was forbidden to listen to The Killer's records at home so I had to go to a friend's house to play them. I loved my singles carrying case. And i loved loved my records. Little Richard, Sonny James, Elvis, Fats D.
The King label was my favorite, Sun was good too. Wow, this one is pretty crazy.
And then who knew that down the road this would happen! Or this. But wait there's more!
Sunday, November 23, 2014
skypuddle and other crazy light in mendocino

In Mendo i dont know where to look first. It's all so intensely lit, seemingly from every direction. (Dont4get2 click the pics.)
Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy sending get well wishes to a fellow blogger.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
back from mendocino
Had another great stay at the Mendocino craftsman cottage. The cottage is kept warm by a groovy gas fireplace. More pix later of this area which is so extra gorgeous. Jeez, the light!
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
today is sonic boom's birthday

Just knockin' boots at Ocean Beach a few years ago with the Sonic. He was in SF to play some shows.
Happy Birthday Pete.
In Mendocino for another the rain!
Thursday, November 13, 2014
god's lonely man
Becoming obsessed all over again with Robert De Niro as i listen to De Niro: A Life. And why did i get rid of that giant-sized over-sized Raging Bull movie poster? I should have kept that, it was gorgeous. This isnt it. Nor is this. Not this one either.
The book is pretty long, 21 hours, but it keeps me real busy.
My favorite bits in the book reveal how Bob works to find and develop his characters, including notes he writes to himself: "always remember that lonely girl i saw on 15th Street," and his various methods of studying and working on characters' voices and accents.
Pale-skinned as a kid, Bob had a nickname around the neighborhood. And hyper/sickly/nervous/asthmatic Martin Scorsese had a childhood nickname too: Marty Pills, because of all the medication he had to take.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Sunday, November 09, 2014
the leaves are falling. the leaves are what?
Sunday Sing-along, everybody.
In other news, i need a new haircut.
Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy feeling disembodied.
Friday, November 07, 2014
big bruiser anderson back at whaleknocker studio
Really excited 4u all2hear the newest musical offering from Bruce Anderson and Rich Stim. Wow it is very good indeed. Deets to follow.
Bruce, ever the fashion plate, showed up for the last session for the project wearing this vintage Who t-shirt and new engineer boots. (Hey Bruiser, how's your lemon haze?)
Next up at Whaleknocker: ACC doin' some Tom Petty tunes. Swing batter!
Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Friday, October 31, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
grassy knoll
Took an afternoon walk, carried an umbrella just in case, but, nope.
Started the David Bowie audiobook. Everybody knows he's had tons of sex with all different kinds of people, but whoa, the incredible Nina Simone too. Uh oh, gotta go...malware!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
yes and no
Hello. Viewed the Meyerhoff collection at the de Young museum where 3things happened:
1) i found a Philip Guston print in the gift shop to give to the Bruiser for his upcoming birthday. (Shhhhh...)
2) discovered a new2me painter, Howard Hodgkin.
3) witnesssed viewers being overcome by the Barnett Newman series titled Station of the Cross. I was glad they were able to connect to something in such a deep way but ol' ACC couldnt shake the feeling that they were being duped. Because if the paintings were not titled as they are, could u really sit in front of them and cry and take notes and sniffle into your kleenex? Somehow i dont think so. I was really taken aback by this and wished that Kevin Teare and Popwars were there to discuss. Luckily i did have my art-knowledgeable pal with me. Without her i wouldnt have picked up on what was happening. Thank u!
Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy poisoning the competition.
Thursday, October 09, 2014
Wednesday, October 08, 2014
the tide is high but i'm movin' on
Hi kids. I hope u were able to listen to at least a little of the Wooly Bully cover from yesterday's post. It's got to be mighty real. So sincere and heartfelt and i love the serious approach, miles away from the novelty-tune category of the original.
I think about doing some Cracker songs but u could never do those songs any better than the original versions. Lowery's voice and guitar sound go perfectly with his lyrics and chords, everything is very well matched up. Lou Reed was the King of that, choosing chords that would put the most emotion into the lyrics. Anyway...
Tuesday, October 07, 2014
Monday, October 06, 2014
on point
Pencils all sharpened, ready to record brilliant thoughts? Check.
And speaking of brilliant, Terry Tolkin recently shared some info with me about Spacemen 3
with a promise of future installments. Not sure if additional info from Terry will be for public knowledge but here's a cute story about Pete that doesnt violate anyone's privacy: After a show at Bimbo's in San Francisco, Pete spent the night at A&R's place. In the morning I offered fruit, cereal, almond milk, wheat grass shooters, stuff like that. Pete looked at the array and said "When i stay at Dean's he makes boiled eggs for me." "Well fine", i thought, "when u r at Dean's u can have that breakfast." But Pete was right, i should have been more prepared, like with beans and toast and ciggies and a pint and such. Oh, and the eggs.
Later, maybe even a coupla weeks later, i discovered that Pete had left me a lovely present. Tucked away in the back of a drawer was an industrial-sized empty Methadone bottle. Thanks mate!
Sunday, October 05, 2014
by the time you're 30 gonna look 65
Except 65 seems not so bad these days if u catch my drift. Yeah so what my hair is gray and pretty face has gone2hell did the waitress really have 2 talk 2 me the way she did? I guess she was just trying 2b nice but something about her tone of voice and the way she tipped her head when she spoke, like, "Awww, look, cute, she's old, i better be extra-helpful", i felt like either bursting into tears or slapping her.
And speaking of aging rock stars, here's a fabulous tip from J Neo: Mix baking soda and clear vinegar into a paste, use to clean mold in the shower. Now THAT'S helpful!
Thursday, October 02, 2014
Hi. Back home from swimming laps, the pool was crowded today.
Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy wondering what the hell.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
i brake for pizza
Rode bikes downtown (hi Whimsy!) and shared a squash blossoms and burrata pie. I love September and October in Cali, it's all about the light. Well, that and the pizza.
Monday, September 29, 2014
down on your heels up on your toes
Hey! Just now being able to wear regular shoes im excited let's hear it 4me. It's been a long 16 months but i are back. Everybody dance now!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
trash Part 2
And speaking of trash, still no tour or shows or anything...2busy listening to another high-falutin' autobiography.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
stick out your can
Wha? No trash allowed in the trash can?
Anyway, still no tour or shows or anything...2busy entertaining the troops.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Friday, September 19, 2014
it's that time of the year again
...for The Folsom Street fair.
The ACC band used to play all the freaky 'Frisco fairs and clubs. There's a hazy memory of, what was it? One of the other 'acts' on the same bill as ACC? Something about somebody all trussed up in leather hitting a golf ball off somebody else's bare ass that was sticking up in the air. Brother Lindsay over at NBT was present at that gig and he handled, shall we say all the 'oddities', like a true champ.
Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy airing things out.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
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