Hello everybody. Back from Asilomar. Pacific Grove is so everything. I cant eebn tell u how much i love it there.. Pine trees, sand, beach, mmmm yeah, that's good stuff booey. Biking is just great because there r fewer and less steep hills than Sam Fram. Swimming outdoors in December is invig and gives me that crazy feeling!!! I know u got that crazy feeling too u feel just like I/feel just like I do.
And speaking of Lou Reed and feeling crazy,i had a Lou Reed dream in which Lou was wearing a chain-mail skin-tight jumpsuit. I didnt have the heart2tell him, uh, u know, that he should take it off and never wear it again. We made out a little bit, u know, the usual Lou Reed dream-stuff. He had 2women there and they both had a baby and Lou was both babies daddy. Guess Lou had bin gittin' busy!
And speaking of being busy...no tour or shows or anything...2bizzy daydreaming of Pacific Grove. (and lou reed).
P.S. Sorry BFF Rich, dont take it personal.
oh yeah ... well i dreamed i was in rehab with tawny kitaen .. and we were getting along great and she was going to buy a couple of my books as soon as she got out ...
wow, No, that's hot
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