OK, big excitement is over...dean&britta have left the bldg. (Note to Pinky:your d&b tshirt is in the mail!) :-)
Looking 4ward to my wednesday ashtanga yoga class where all the students are in their 20s...then there's me. The music at class is so loud i can barely hear the teacher, who is the same age as the students. She plays The Cure, Portishead and Thievery Corporation, stuff like that. It's rockin'. If u dont hear from me, you'll know i didnt survive class. :-(
NO tour or shows or anything...2busy looking for a lost bracelet. :-(
did they come over and share a cup of ginger tea?
I LOVE PortisH, ThieveryC. What---no Mandalay?
oh, by the way,
my stalker has been ejected form the YMCA!!!!!!!!!
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