Go 4th and party u kids, but dont 4get 2 assign a designated driver.
The first few years that ACC plus 1 lived in sf, the 4th of july at ocean beach was like a war zone. It was nuts, hundreds of drunk peoples running all over the beach and boardwalk, shooting off fireworks, the wind blowing alot of the fireworks into traffic on the great highway. It was so smoky that U could barely see, and the audio was really incredible... people screaming, the sound of the waves, the loud bangs, dogs barking. It was totally unsafe and crazy. And the olfactory-factor was wild too...salty sea-smell combined with gunpowder. Then, one year it was all over, just like that. Cops on motorbikes and in cruisers and on foot shut the whole thing down.
Note to Howard Thompson: remember u were visiting us then? :-)
No tour or shows or anything...2busy listening to the garbage truck.