Hi. Is Live Earth over yet? Did ANYONE watch ANY of it? I dunno, i just couldnt get it up. Ol' Bob Lefsetz wrote an interesting piece about it...check out his LEFSETZ LETTER.
And speaking of brilliant jewish guys, did u know that BFF Rich does legal work for Robert Crumb? BFF Rich gets paid with Crumb artwork; this is his most recent payment, THE GIRLS OF R CRUMB. Pretty dang cool, eh?
No tour or shows or anything...2busy reading Cosmic Jackpot by Paul Davies.
the energy used to style
alicia Keys' hair could have somehow translated into feeding an entire third world country.
music should be heard and not seen.
i blame it on marketing.
...back to hand-feeding a baby sparrow
I'll draw some pictures for legal work, yes, I will. I ain't no CRUMB though.
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