BFF Rich became interested in family trees lately, and learned that people's lives r often summed up in one sentence. If that's true, Lux's sentence would have 2 b something like "He gave everything he had."
On a more cheerful note, Dean and Britta's 13 Most Beautiful etc. was/is a dynamite way 2 spend an evening. I wont say anything more than that, because in case u havent seen it yet, i dont want 2 spoil it 4u;there r some great surprises. One of these surprises is so funny, i had 2 stifle a bigg guffaw. Why couldnt i LOL? Because the venue was classy, folks wasnt drinkin' and druggin' and smokin'and jokin'. We were all seated in posh red velvet theater seats, acting like, ahem, well-behaved adults. Dont let THAT scare u away tho! So i didnt want 2 b the only one actin' a fool, afraid i might b a distraction. It was a real treat 2 hear britta's voice treated so professionally; the acoustics in the theater r world-class. And Dean's set-up sounded so great!He was a little nervous at first. I like when he sounds that way at the beginning, it's cute. So anyway, you MUST see this show. It's, well, never mind what it is, go see it, i aint telling u any more than that.
D & B came to Sausalito and hung out with us on the houseboat the next day, then we had dinner at FISH. For once i didnt take any pix. I thought about taking some, but then thought (if u can call what i do "thinking") jeez, cant ppl just hang out and b 2gether without seeing it as content for blogging for god's sake? As u can guess, they both looked smashing in jeans and black leather jackets, and B wore a cute black hat. So there's your picture.
They gave us a copy of the book. Thanks kids!
No tour or shows or anything, 2busy getting my uh, vitamin d.
And how YOU doin'?
how is being home?
nice! the next sound u hear will b me, howling at the full moon shining thru the living room window. ahhh0000000000000oooooo! Ow Ow ooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Wut didjoo wear?
jeans, long sleeve black top, new black patent etienne aigner loafers i found at ROSS DRESS FOR LESS for $15. yay!
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