Remember that song NOBODY'S FOOL by Cinderella? ACC's senior fans know that she loves dumb rock ballad lyrics: "I count the falling tears, they're falling from my eyes. Seems like a thousand years, since we broke the ties." Now cmon, is that brilliant or what? Whatever happened to that Cinderella guy anyway? Tom something or other. I'd still like 2 record that song someday. (Well u better get your ass in gear, if u know what i'm sayin'. -ed.)
And speaking of dumb songs, R red somewhere that ACC's version of CLOWN SEX was being used as a ringtone. Ha!
If'd u'd like 2 sing along to CLOWN SEX (#13), here r the unreleased lyrics:
There were some clowns
They had some sex
There were some clowns they had some sex there were some clowns they had some sex
There were some clowns
They had some sex
There were some clowns they had some sex there were some clowns they had some sex
There were some clowns
They had some sex
There were some clowns they had some sex there were some clowns they had some sex
There were some clowns
CLOWN SEX! CLOWN SEX! CLOWN SEX!(lyrics by george earth). Hi George!
No tour or shows or anything...2busy relaxing after a morning at the gym followed by lunch in beautiful downtown Sausalito.
And how YOU doin'?
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