Hello. Welcome back to "It's Raining Men". Today's featured mens: In the baseball cap is Arne Frager, who owned the Plant at the time White Courtesy Phone was recorded. Arne co-wrote and produced that song by Rockwell "Somebody's Watchin' Me". Remember that one? Not a very good song, but yet very sticky. There r so many mediocre hit songs out there. Why cant i write one of them? haha.
In the picture with me in a lop-sided haircut is Bruce Anderson. And he gave me that haircut. Bruce used 2 cut his friends' hair in Bloomington. The lop-sided one he gave me upset some people. They would say things like "How could u let him do that 2 u?" etc. Now these days everybody got crazy hair but i guess it was different then. U know ALL THE WAY back then.
Standing in front of the wall of ACC posters is Howard Thompson. Howard signed ACC to Almo, and he also signed MX80 to Island Records during his time there. These days here is where u can find him.
Ok kids, i gotta go, i got work 2 do.
1 comment:
i like your "screw" t-shirt.
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