Thanks Pinky! Keef Forever!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
tip top

Hey readers! Hope all is well in your world. All is swell in ACC's world... LOVING YOU has been picked as the #1 remake of 2010 at North Fork Sound (scroll down).
And IT'S NOW OR NEVER found a year-end ( u sure that's not REAR-end? -Ed.) sweet spot at Tarred and Branded. Thank you NOFO and T&B, ima definitely loving u. Yeah, u my dog(s).
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
R&B plus 1
Bruce "Bruiser" Anderson was on the Loveboat the other day working with R on a new bluesy project. We 3 went to FISH afterward. Bruce ordered squid. He would.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
wet dream
Well, not a dream, but very dream-like. The staff at NON TOUR DIARY isnt all up inta Chrishmish or anything, but like Paul Weller said in a really great movie, "I like these lights."
I may have reached the end of internet images. Every time i find a cool photo to use, when i click it i see that i've already used it. So, i remain yours, link-free, ACC.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
jingle boats
Had a wonderful time last night wif me bff walking and driving around Sausalito getting different viewpoints on the annual Lighted Yachts parade. On one of the docks, all the way out at the end, a pelican flew right over my head. I could barely see it in the dark even tho it was thisclose.
No tour or shows or anything.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
party shmarty
Dont want to be all humbug on your asses but... does it really feel like party time 2u? All this shopping? At the beginning of the holiday season when ppl would axe me "are you getting ready for Christmas?" or "are you excited about Christmas?" i'd say "no", but soon realized that ppl are asking because what they really want to talk about is how excited THEY are about the holidays. At FISH the other day one of our favorite counter-gals asked R if he was excited about the holls and he started up about this and that and yadda yadda blah blah-humbug and he sounded alot like Eric Bogosian which was funny to me but then i saw the look on her face and realized she was getting kind of bummed out. So now i just say hells yeah. Hey, i aint nobody's buzzkill.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Saturday, December 04, 2010
prelude to a quaalude

Well, i've thought up a good title but seem to be having trouble coming up with any content. Remember that scene in Prick Up Your Ears where the writer's boyfriend is mad because the writer wont take him to an awards ceremony:
Kenneth Halliwell: I just want to go to the awards! I could! Look, "Joe Orton and guest." I'd behave. I wouldn't say a word, I promise.
Joe Orton: No.
Kenneth Halliwell: Why?
Joe Orton: Because it's for me. I wrote it.
Kenneth Halliwell: I gave you the title.
Joe Orton: Okay, so when they have awards for titles, you can go to that.
Here r more PRICK great quotes for u to memorize like ol' ACC does.
It's not like i try to memorize things, it just kind of happens. My specialties... movie dialog ("Why rob a bank when you've got a sucker for a mother?") and tv commercials ("Shame on you Mr. Ballantine. There's no magic to staying in shape, all u need is a Dyna-Gym."), song lyrics and phone numbers, and what someone said 20 years ago. Or 10 years ago. Like when Dean Wareham was working on his book Black Postcards, he called me to remind him which word it was that he and Sean had gotten into a fight about. They had been playing Scrabble on the bus and Sean used the letters T-O-F-U-S, claiming it was the plural of 'tofu', which had infuriated Dean.
For a long time i kept track in tiny little notebooks of things ppl would say. My old next-door neighbor Mrs Doyle (R.I.P) once said "The inside of my mouth feels like a dirty birdcage." But i dont keep track like that these days since i'm preferring to sing other ppl's songs rather than write my own.
Back when i was a kid, the grown-ups figured out they had to be careful of what they said around me because i would repeat it back. Probably at inopportune moments. So if i walked in they would say "the walls have ears."
Sunday, November 28, 2010
way out west
Friday, November 26, 2010
whenever i see this hill i think of jimmy friedman
...because he's the man (well, one of the men)
behind this song. And what's that saying, behind every great man is a great behind? No, that's not it. Oh, behind every great man is a great cover version of that great man's song? Yeah, somethin' like that.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
man in a boat
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010

Hello. Finished the Keith Richards book 2day. (dosent this picture of Keef look like R?) Never did find out about the spooky descending riff at the end of 19TH NERVOUS BREAKDOWN. I kept hoping ol' Keef was gonna explain how it was done or how he came up with it, but no luck. I really just want to hear the gtrs now, without vocals. Nae offense, Brenda.
Also finished shopping at Fresh Organics in Sausalito. For good. I knew all 8 Bay Area stores had been bought by a huge corporation, but didnt know until yesterday that the big corporation was the Mormons. I aint givin' no mo money to them. And I didnt know they have also bought up so many of the herbal supplement companies. It's tough 2 b a conscientious shopper these days, there's so much to keep up with. 4 sure i dont want my dinero being passed along to this campaign. (Nice pants, Mitt. -Ed.)
No tour or shows or anything...2busy resting up after long walk in the Headlands.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
dont touch me there
When i worked at Discount Records in Bloomington one of my jobs was to put product in the front windows. I always remember this one. The artwork on the front cover actually upset some ppl and my manager asked me to change the display. Wow. That was so then.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy trying to finish the Keith book.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
monkey man(s)

Yup, that's right, still reading the Keith book. And now R has decided to read it this way, and says Johnny does a terrific job. (Not to be confused with "jobbie", right? -Ed.)
And speaking of jobbie, just when u thought it was safe to go on Facebook, ah boy.
So yeah, still enjoying the book, especially the bits about being in the studio recording all the great songs. Back in the day, folks didnt play to click tracks, and i've noticed that Charlie has a tendency to speed up on the endings or outros of some songs. I never noticed it b4 but when walking with headphones on i have to walk faster on some songs to keep in time. Sometimes i am singing along and i always think that's a little goofy or silly when i hear other ppl do that, but now I'm doing it. Oh well, it's fun.
U should try it! It's exhilarating to loudly sing "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whoooo!" on the end of Brown Sugar while jogging along.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy getting a contact high.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Monday, November 08, 2010
cant u hear me noddin'

Still reading the Keith Richards autobio. Jeez, how many bedrooms can one guy burn down? It all reminds me of junkies i've known and hung around with and i sure dont miss any of them. Nothing is ever their fault, these things just happen is the way they look at it. And not to give anything away in case u r planning 2 read the book, but Keith has had more serious accidents than i knew about, not just the falling out of the tree episode. Damn tree!
It's highly (heh heh) entertaining 2 read how all the Stones' records were made especially the great bits where Keith explains his 5 string method. It's made a big difference in how i hear the songs now and it's been fun walking around Sausalito with me headphones on. The guitars r just plain crazy beautiful.
Of course, you'll love the bit where he tells something very personal about ol' Mick.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy prancing around the houseboat doing my poncy MJ impression.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Thursday, November 04, 2010
what if

Still reading the Keith auto-bio. It was shocking to learn that he and Ronnie Spector were(are?) "an item". Am i the only one who didnt know about this? I went crazy thinking of the possible musical outcomes if they had stayed together. Can u imagine? Think of a really really cool Sonny&Cher kind of thing.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy getting sweaty in my new 22 Sense t-shirt.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A NON TOUR reader reports that she didnt really care about the World Series but liked watching Tim Lincecum.
Another valued reader adds that he's never been interested in sports much, "except for shuttlecock." Hmmmmm. And speaking of cocks, have u heard this joke? Q: WHAT'S THE WORST THING ABOUT ORAL SEX? A: THE VIEW. When I told the joke to Marty Thau, he said "I dont know what you've been looking at all these years, but I LIKE the view."
No tour or shows or anything...2busy getting ready for football season.
Monday, November 01, 2010
rolling stoned

I LOVE the new Keith Richards autobiography. The way it's written, it's kind of like he is talking, rather than u r sitting there reading. And speaking of Keith, this picture of him was printed on a t-shirt i was wearing the day i passed out at the gym. When i came to, all the heads above me were yelling "JUST TELL US WHAT YOU TOOK! WE CANT HELP YOU IF YOU DONT TELL US WHAT YOU TOOK!" They didnt believe me when i told them i hadnt taken anything, that i was just too hungry. I didnt understand until i went back into the locker room and noticed i was wearing the shirt.
So, no tour or shows or anything...2busy reading about Keith's tours and shows.
And how YOU doin'?
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
giants on top
Have u seen any of the World Series' yet?
Kinda crazy in Cali right now what with the Series, Halloween and the mid-term elections.
Cali's goin' green i think (with help from President Obama).
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
angel corpus who?
This version of the ACC band is my favorite. It really sounded like what i wanted it 2 sound like.
The personnel that came later maybe were more experienced or were more professional but this line-up was the most fun for sure. That is until the drummer ditched her electric pad and got a full kit. Then her inner demons became her outer demons somehow. She was so fun-loving and cute when she stood up to play but as soon as she sat down all hell broke loose, including adding a second kick drum. What?! But b4 that she was great, perfect actually. She could sing killer pop harmonies and she kept a dead rat in her freezer. She sure looks cute here. Note to Windy: I'm sorry we had to fire u, please remember the good times. More on the other 2 knuckleheads, er, i mean band-members later.
Note to Rich and Mr. Nancy: I'm only calling u guys knuckleheads to get back at u for calling me "Bilko". So i got a little bossy sometimes, so sue me! (Didnt the statute of limitations run out on that LONG AGO? -Ed.)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
october light in a.m.
Hello. This is the tip-top of a houseboat across the dock from the NON TOUR DIARY office.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy listening to sonya spence.
And how YOU doin'?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
me and lindsay hutton stand-in
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Friday, October 08, 2010
Monday, October 04, 2010
big pink
Remember when Big Pink came out? Back then Ol' ACC was living in a hippie-house with a Scientologist in Flint Michigan. The hippie-house was kind of infamous, lots of ppl in and out all day and night, some of them hiding or on the run. What's this i just found? Ms. Dohrn lived on a Sausalito houseboat?? Anyway, one night some of them came to the house when i happened to be shining the Scientologist's boots. Boy, that didnt go over too well with my progressive sistahs (altho i think the brothers liked it).Then they noticed that i was also ironing his shirt and they left in a huff. Oh well. Or as Mr. Nancy would say, "Capital O, Capital W."
No tour or shows or anything...2busy crocheting a scarf.
And how YOU doin'?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
delia's gone but the dahlias isnt
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A Day in da Park |
Click the flower pic to get up close and personal inside the Dahlia Garden in Golden Gate Park.
In other news, watched a buncha movies, 2 lazy 2 list them here. Actually, not 2 lazy, 2 hot. They's a heatwave in Sausalito.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy thinking up new yoga moves.
And how YOU doin'?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
plate job
Last night's salad: Figs, dry-farmed tomatoes and a very long (Ooooooh.-Ed.) cucumber.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy acknowledging the arrival of Fall.
And how YOU doin'?
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