Had a Robert Crumb poster framed in Sausalito at the Copper Door on Caledonia Street. The owner, Alan R. Pugh, is from Liverpool and oh-so glamorous in an Adam Faith kind-of-way. He's one of these ppl who finds their style early on in life and then sticks with that style. There are lots of pix and postcards around the place so i could see him in different decades, and he basically looked the same in all of them, always wearing a certain kind of necklace, or pendant type-of-thing. Gorgeous sandy-colored hair. He seems quite aristocratic, but you could also imagine him sleeping on a floor somewhere and being ok with it. He has definitely partied and I'm guessing he's had beautiful girlfriends. Looking for some pix to illustrate "beautiful girlfriends", i found this picture, which reminds me of Dean and Britta. And speaking of cool boy-girl acts, the soon-2-b-released ACC project, whose title has been one of the most closely guarded secrets in the history of the music industry, is still waiting to be re-mastered. The good news is, a video for one of the songs was completed this past weekend.
And speaking of last weekend, we trust that staff at NBT enjoyed their trip and has made it safely back home.
And how YOU doin'?
yeah thanks for that frame job ... you can see the poster in all its glory by clicking on the image here:
I think most people find a style that works and stick with it. I'm going with grunge but they didn't used to call it that. Mainly because I don't like to comb my hair or tuck my shirt in.
i don't comb my hair to tuck in my shirt either.
Yes thanks missus!!
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