Some of u NON TOUR readers have expressed an interest in your fellow-reader Pinky. This is the Chinaboise band circa 1975 (?), and Pinky is 2nd from the right in the top row, over Bruce Anderson's shoulder. Pinky likes to ride her bike and, oh oh! look out Pinky!
And just this morning Pinky sent the NON TOUR office a hand-written lyric sheet for Dear Tears, originally titled When You Cry. The singer on Dear Tears is Kimsy. She's in the left corner in the top row, over Dave Mahoney's shoulder. Hi Kimsy!
Back later with more 'information given on a need-to-know' basis.
how come you birds ain't chirpin'?
Is pinky married and/or available??
I like this Chinaboise outtake photo.
this weekend??
Now what kind of answer is that? Are You playing hard to get?? I bet you have a soft side too ... that you keep hidden from the world...alas i hope that doesnt include me
infinitely aloof in perpetuity
i guess thats a "thanx but no thanx"?
and i had the whole weekend free....
Pinky....youre way to young to be broken, youre way too young to fall apart
have you ever said "No" when you really meant "yes"?
more often i've said yes when i really meant no.
she's from evansville
who's the guy on lower left
she from NYC
How did I miss your post Pinky?? And here i thought you had broken my heart...angels place would be great..
Weren't all those chicks were Rich's babes?
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