Tuesday, September 30, 2008

down the drain

Hello. No tour or shows or anything...2busy knocking down doors.
And how YOU doin'?

Monday, September 29, 2008

goodbye september

Bought tight black denim punk petal-pushers 2day, with zippers and straps and buckles. Punk will never die!(says bruce anderson).
No tour or shows or anything...2busy watching a docu on leigh bowery.
And how YOU doin'?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

uh oh

Hello. I have nothing 2 say. Maybe it's all the fog that's smudging my edges. I'm just a blank. Please come back later.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

weekends were made for michelob

Hello. Not much goin' on, just hangin' with my homie.
Big crowd at the Ocean Beach surf competition this weekend.
Talked 2 Bob Weston today. He is in town with Mission of Burma.
No tour or shows or anything...2 busy watching a Robert Mapplethorpe/Sam Wagstaff docu. And a docu on the Chicago 10.
And how YOU doin'?

Thursday, September 25, 2008


No tour or shows or anything...2busy enjoying my evening chocolate.
And how YOU doin'?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Back from yoga class. Made a failure of a dinner. Well, ONE of us liked it, but then again that same person also likes faulty plumbing. The dinner included something that looked like mashed yeast and i guess i was juggling a few different things and the kale burned 2 a crisp, angel corpus crispy-style. MMMMmmmmm!
No tour or shows or anything...2busy watching R walk the tight-rope.
And how YOU doin'?

Monday, September 22, 2008

time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin', into the future

Of course i'm sad that summer is over, kaputski, finito. I've never liked the short days of autumn and winter. . So now I'll be marking time, waiting 4 the light 2 return.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy listening 2 the first VU record.
And how YOU doin'?

Friday, September 19, 2008

yay tho i walk

Hello. Double-click the pic 2 see slideshow of a walk from fort mason into fisherman's wharf.
One of the pix shows a coupla Dolphin Club members swimming, without wetsuits(which they do year-round).
No tour or shows or anything...2busy rolling up the sleeves of my sweater.
And how YOU doin'?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

plant u now, dig u later

Sunny day here in ol' sam fram.
I think i've been spending 2much time in front of my computer;last night while sleeping, i tried 2 get closer 2 BFF Rich by hitting a delete button to shrink the space between us.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy cooking beans.
And how YOU doin'?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

my new favorite band is blackhouse

Hello. Sitting here listening to some sailboarders gettin' crazy down at the beach. One if them is yelling "YA-HOOOO!"

I had a whole serious post i was planning 2 do, but, i dunno, the spirit left me.
It had to do with you-know-who(i cant say her name outloud these days). Here, let's make him say it.

No tour or shows or anything, 2 busy watching BFF Rich play wii tennis. Gosh he's awfully cute.

And how YOU doin'?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

and finally...

Hello. Here's the last bit.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy working 4 the man.
And how YOU doin'?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

indian ocean

Hello. This is the artist known as thom ross. Click for slide show. If u r in SF, check out this Ocean Beach installation.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy replenishing liquids.
And HOW you doin'?

Sunday, September 07, 2008

4pauL (part 1)

Hello. Special shout-out 2 Paul Dodd;these faces reminded me of his crimestoppers paintings.
And speaking of fighting crime, read this(aug 29 entry) and see if u'd like to help. Wrecking Crew yes! Wrecking ball no!
No tour or shows or anything...2busy with a.m. work-out.
And how YOU doin'?

professor longhair

Yeah booie! Click.

Friday, September 05, 2008

fear and loathing

If u arent completely paranoid about these two ppl living in the White House, u just arent paying attention. And why did they name her 'Bristol'? Because it rhymes with pistol? Or maybe they meant 'Pistol' but got the spelling wrong?
Sunshine, I'm with u. I am totally freaked out, as anyone in their right mind would be. Yikes.
No tour or shows or anything...2 busy running off nervous energy.
And how YOU doin'?

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

why dontcha flex your magic muscle

No tour or shows or anything...2busy working on a new project. And speaking of AW, there's a v.cool docu about david hockney that's a real must-see: A BIGGER SPLASH.
And how YOU doin'?

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

ted nugent call home

Hello. So, some suggestions for names for Palin's grandchild: Truck, for a boy (or maybe Puck) and for a girl, Caribou.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy drinking cranberry tea. And speaking of cranberry, did u know that cranberry and vodka is andrew eldritch's tipple?
And how YOU doin'?

Monday, September 01, 2008


(And another hello 2 a certain someone.)
No tour or shows or anything...2busy with a welcome-back party.
And how YOU doin'?