And speaking of
Craig Leon, i dont know what's wrong with me but i cant seem to get with facebook. I see that Craig has left entertaining messages 4 me and so have other equally cool and great ppl, but i, ah hell i dont know, i go there and then i leave. One sad message from a really cool guy
simply red: "plz befriend me". Is that sad or what? Why couldnt i just write back to him? I love him but still i clicked the back button.
I was talking with Nancy Kravits about fb and she said she didnt do it much because she doesnt want her co-workers seeing anything, or as she put it, "i dont care what you're doing, and i dont want u to know what i'm doing". I thought it was funny but when i told R, he said "well THAT's not very social."
No tour or
shows or anything...2busy slicing
tomatoes.And how
YOU doin'?