Click the pic please to see these trippy posies up close.
And speaking of pink, according to Jim Hightower 97% of Jockey's political contributions go to the Republican Partay. I'm lookin' for a new thong, baby, a new thong.
Rode bikes to the restaurant at Cavallo Point, sat outdoors on the long porch and waited for the cornmeal pancakes to arrive. It is so beautifuk there. I asked BFF Rich "Are we really here?"
"I dont know," he said.
Hi. This stairway brings to mind early paintings by Kevin Teare, the big ones that featured horizontal lines like the top row here. I loved those paintings. Wow all of a sudden i'm smelling paint. Weird.
Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy growing longer arms.
Me and my co-monkey RWS in the lobby of the SFJCC where we attended a lecture by Frans de Waal.
Frans has quite a placid exterior that complements his massively intelligent, thoughtful, not to mention funny, interior.
We met our friend Linda there. She looked great, wearing a new purple hoodie.
Hey, how 'bout that U.S. Senate, eh?
Well! The postman delivered this elegant birthday prezzie to me today, all the way from Australia. Thank u friend! A&R had a fantastic day with Bruce "The Bruiser" Anderson yesterday: a marathon MX80 recording/listening session, lunch on the boat and plenty of hang-out time.
Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy getting back2the garden.
Hello dear readers. Back in the day ol' ACC brought in the big bucks as a photographer's model. Later, after hooking up with guitarist Bruce Anderson, i gave him one of the nicer 8x10 photos. He started calling me "Bubbles" and kept the photo in his gtr case. I took that as a compliment.
Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy scaring away the crows.
Hello and Happy happy birthday to me, look at the earrings and handmade necklace with gold leaf that arrived in today's mail from 2 of my favorite ppl.
Thank youse!
Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy reading.
Walked around under the trees at Fort Miley. Except i call it Fort Smiley because i feel like smiling whenever i'm there.
Still no tour or shows or anything...2busy issuing ultimatums.