Been painting things pale yellow, y'all. Started with the 2 bookcases, then the breakfast nook, then the cupboards, and it's early yet...who knows what will turn yellow2day. Now i know how don ciccone's mother felt when she painted everything silver. I think she originally planned 2 paint just one thing silver, but by the time don got home from school, the washer and dryer, some furniture and his bicycle were silver. Shout out Adelle! She's always coming out with these terrific quotables. My favorite one is WHO'S BETTER THAN YOU. I also like I CANT MAKE IT OUT. That's what u say when something looks unclear..."I cant make it out."
Got an advance copy of the new Dean and Britta cd...i guess that makes me a very special little girl. (That's why i have no tour or shows...2busy listening to their cd.)
Later ppl. x0x0

as yellow is my favorite color, i can't wait to see the new paint and hang out in it. btw, you look pretty in that "mark bingham" outfit. who is that? i know, but little doesn't and i told him i'd ask you.thnx
markbingham is a musician. he also produces/records in his studio in new orleans. i think he just finished an elvis costello project there. in bloomington, he always wore tube sox with leather shoes and shorts. and maybe a girl's blouse. tell little thax4axe-ing.
bye4noo. x0x0
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