Man i sure hope that cigarette has been shopped in. Or maybe her bump has been shopped? One or the other, please.
I always thought living in a trailer would be kinda cool. I'd have 2have one of those awnings and a whole out-door set-up with mine..stove outside, etc. And of course mines would have the horizontal louvered windows. And red plaid upholstery on the seating around the dining table. Hearts or Crazy 8's anyone? Lemonade? Yes sir, Mr.
Why Yes sir Mr.? In NYC, at Dave's Luncheonette on the corner of West Broadway and Canal (is that right ppl?) there used2b a waiter who would say "Yes sir Mr." if a white customer ordered, and "Yes sir Dummy" if a non-white customer ordered.
No tour or shows or anything, Dummy, er, i mean Mr. ...2busy varnishing furniture.

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