Remember song lyrics that told a story? I used to love those. I would get all hopped up on these songs because i believed the lyrics were real/true. Like BLACK JACK DAVID;I totally believed that song was about actual real people:
Black Jack David come around thru the woods
Singing so loud and merry
Black Jack David come around thru the woods
When he spied a fair-haired maiden
He spied a fair-haired maiden.
So Jack meets this sort of fancy-lady in the woods and he "sleeps" on the ground with her:
Last night she slept on a fine feather-bed
Beside her husband and baby
2nite she'll sleep on the cold hard ground
Beside ol' Black Jack David
Beside ol' Black Jack David.
And UBANGI STOMP. Believe it or not i thought that was real too:
Well I rocked over italy and i rocked over spain
I rocked in memphis it was all the same
Til I rocked thru africa, and rolled off a ship--
I seen them natives doin' an odd lookin' skip.
I parted the weeds and looked over the swamp
And I seen them cats doin' the ubangi stomp.
How could i have thought that was real? Must have been all those National Geographics. As my neighbor Steve Fishman would say, "What a dummy."
No tour or shows or anything...2biz.izzy crocheting cotton washcloths.

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