Hello bird-dogs..
Has all your snow melted yet?
A rainy day here in Frisco, and BFF Rich laid down some mean rainy day gtr trax. Very crunchy. And speaking of gtr tracks, have u seen this? The guy's fingering may or may not be what Bruce actually used;usually Bruce's left hand looks weird because he has developed his own way of playing chords using some strange mathematical formula that came to him one night on the spaceship.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy admiring Rich.
And how YOU doin'?
We still have a few pockets of tired snow. I like your cup. Gtr tracks for Angel or MX or Playette or Chinaboise or what was that Rich solo thing?
gtr trax 4 an ACC thing.
The Rich solo thing was Jr. Grenadier.
flowers blooming, birdies singing
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