Friday, March 06, 2009

yer advertisin's just dandy, folks'd never guess u didnt have a thing 2 sell

A and R made the mistake of having dinner at the Cliff House. Hence me blog title. Remember, that's a line from Bonnie and Clyde? Bonnie says it 2 Clyde when he has a problem with a certain something if u catch my drift.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy.


mxrich said...

...wait you didn't tell everybody about your inedible leek ... or your fluff!!!

Rich said...

ok, i'll tell about the "fluff". there was a pile of something unrecognizable on my plate, kind of white with brown spots. when i axed the waiter what it was, he said "fluff." and i goes, "fluff?" and he goes "yes, fluff." and when i axed him to tell me what ingredients were in the fluff, he had no idea. so fluff u, cliff house, u dumbasses.

Paul said...

That was brave, going there to eat. Too bad it didn't work out. Did you snag one of their spoons

pinky said...

seagull down with crap.
restaurants are scary. PERIOD.