A and R made the mistake of having dinner at the Cliff House. Hence me blog title. Remember, that's a line from Bonnie and Clyde? Bonnie says it 2 Clyde when he has a problem with a certain something if u catch my drift.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy.
...wait you didn't tell everybody about your inedible leek ... or your fluff!!!
ok, i'll tell about the "fluff". there was a pile of something unrecognizable on my plate, kind of white with brown spots. when i axed the waiter what it was, he said "fluff." and i goes, "fluff?" and he goes "yes, fluff." and when i axed him to tell me what ingredients were in the fluff, he had no idea. so fluff u, cliff house, u dumbasses.
That was brave, going there to eat. Too bad it didn't work out. Did you snag one of their spoons
seagull down with crap.
restaurants are scary. PERIOD.
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