Back in October A and R celebrated with Bruce "The Bruiser" Anderson in honor of his birthday. I may or may not have posted some pix then but i'm 2 lazy 2 check. Anyway when i first met Bruce, he told me that he thought he looked a lot like Burt Reynolds. I didnt know who Burt was and i 4got all about the comment. Sometime after that, I went to the movies with Bruce to see SHAMUS, starring Burt Reynolds. When Burt's face appeared on the screen, ha! Yeah, that's the kind of shit Bruce would do to amuse me.
And speaking of Bruce Anderson, he did great in the year-end lists over at North Fork Sound. Nofo, you got good taste.
Hmmm, not sure the print was legible in yesterday's link TOADFISH, THE COMIC. Will report the trouble to the i.t. guy when he returns from vacation. Sorry for any.
Oh!! This just in... the i.t. guy says to hit the FULLSCREEN button once u r there. NOW u tell us! I mean, THANK u!.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy biting my nails.
And how YOU doin'?
how can i get a copy of the inherent beauty of hopelessness
u should enjoy.
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