Yeah, u know what time it is. Hi. Just got a very nice ELVIS ELVIS response from Dean Wareham. Which is funny to me, because the whole ELVIS ELVIS concept happened in a way because of Dean. I think i told u b4, i had been trying to get Dean to record LOVING YOU and he wasnt interested so i started fooling around with it myself (Ooooooooh. -Ed.)and one song led to another and then there were 7. But really, cant u just hear how Dean would sound. OMG, we would all just plotz to hear that voice singing Elvis, right? And speaking of Dean Wareham, their itinerary for the summer is shaping up. Glam glam glam. (Well, except for the Indiana part.) (Nae offense Pinky!)
No tour or shows or anything...2busy backgrounding someone on the phone while i finish this.
And how YOU doin'?
Oh yes - you should absolutely keep working on Dean for an Elvis cover... although you've made a very lovely album without him!
wher they playin in indiana?
ain't nobody herd of deen & britney no how.
btw, dem's hoosier foodies raisin money for the crippled children thru the Shriners foundation.
Hoosiers don't need no stinkin whinin on a microphone. We got corn dogs.
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