So yeah, seeing the Fisher collection was maybe life-altering. In ways i cant really explain. Immediately after seeing it, i was kind of babbling, or as Luther Blue's mother would say, "blabble-ing." But as the day became evening the emotion of all the pictures was kind of stacking up on me and i felt like i wanted 2 b silent. (Now if u could just hit the mute button on that accordion. -Ed.)
And the topper is i saw it with Linda A, the perfect person to see it with. Articulate and knowledgable about modern art, she pointed out that some paintings' images were symbolic. Like when i was standing in front of a painting that depicted 2 ppl toiling hard in a field, one of them butchering an animal, her take was that the scene was referencing World War II and Nazi-ism. Veddy inta-estink. That painting may have been by Georg Baselitz but i'm not sure.
This post is long but ima keep going even tho at lunch today A and R and El Guerin made fun of ppl whose posts r 2 long.
I cried in the Warhol room and I could have looked at POLAR STAMPEDE by Lee Krasner until closing time. Seeing only this painting would be worth the price of admission. I found it hard to walk away from and noticed that other ppl were having the same problem. One patron dealt with it by backing away so he didnt have to turn his back on it. It's like a million billion micro-paintings, u could just look at one corner for days.
Post Modern Idyll is trippy. Did u ever take an hallucinatory
substance and then with your arty pals, sit around the table, crinkle up aluminum foil then sort of flatten it out again, not too much tho, then cover it with a piece of paper then rub the paper with a pencil and see what comes up? That's what Idyll looks like. And with its 3-d black and white frame, it's all just too much. We laughed at that one, and we felt happy in the Ellsworth Kelly room.
In the museum gift shop i wanted everything and i hate when i feel like that. I restricted my purchases to a triple-Elvis Tshirt for Rich and a postcard for Pinky. I passed on a cool Calder-esque mini-mobile that u could hang postcards from. It was displayed with postcards of paintings in the Fisher exhibit. It'd be a nice way to keep the show fresh in my mind. (Mind? Did u say "Mind"? Puh-leeze. -Ed.)
Go see the show, it starts traveling soon. Sadly, after this tour the collection is being broken up. This show is the last time the collection will be shown in its entirety. :-(
Wish we could be there to stand before Polar Stampede. Especially like the long post.
exquisite postcard. many tanks.
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