Jeez i'm still gone. Wtf? (And why is this picture so big?)
I mean, it's not like i have nothing 2 write about. I could tell u about my one day of jury duty concerning a stalker case, when a lady in the court room called the judge "Judge Judy" loud enough for all 125 of us to hear (the judge was a man btw) or the guy who stood up and spouted and sputtered that one didnt need a cell phone or email to stalk from prison, that the best way to accomplish stalking from prison would be to use astral projection, and ended by yelling "It's all there on my website!" So yeah, i could tell u about that. And i could also mention that the judge looked alot like Andy Dick. Hmmmm, maybe i'm getting back into the swing of things here. But i think i'll say "to be continued" and get backatcha later. I hope u've missed me. I've missed u.
andrea...we missed you at our 45th reunion
We missed you and the 45th
hope to see you at the 145th
you should of been there,it was great
ill be at the next one i swear
Andrea, Marla made the last reunion and would love to hear from you:
incidently, Mike Lord died as did Bob Curtis
who is Marla???
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