Friday, February 26, 2010

clouds r definitely not in my way

Hello. According 2 my neighbor Pat, the shapes of these clouds indicate wind patterns. Looking at them, we thought of that guy Bob Ross who taught painting classes on tv. I'd like to hear him explain how to paint these clouds. Maybe Paul Dodd could explain how it's done, since, u know, Bob has left the bldg. Paul likes 2 play music while he's painting.
So it's windy on the bay today, we stood in the parking lot and saw that the clouds and water were really moving, and they r the same color, and so above u and below u is moving, yet u yourself r not moving.
Being on the Loveboat is great on stormy days.


pinky said...

that's a mighty sky

Paul said...

I would paint that sky with a spray can.

Anonymous said...

Excuse for that I interfere ?But this theme is very close to me. I can help with the answer. Write in PM.