Sunday, June 19, 2011

dont stand so

Had a dream last night that i walked in on Sting, who was naked, and sort of sitting like this. He was shaved down below and i saw that he had male and female sex organs, except that the pootie was that of a little girl, while the johnson was full-sized adult. He was perfoming a sex act on himself and had he left it at that, everything would have been fine. But frighteningly, he disconnected his big johnson and it leaped down onto the floor and came scurrying toward me really fast, like those scarey little creatures under the bed in that Karen Black movie. It wasnt standing up straight, it was running in a horizontal postion, like a giant worm on legs. It sounds funny but it was awful. Ech.
It jumped on me and i couldnt get it off, it was kind of sticky.
Then ACC woke up.


pinky said...

pass the rolaids

carlos tropicana said...

sometimes a banana is just a banana.

sasha said...

This reminds me Of the a&r report. More dreams!