Hi. And speaking of green and purple, i was just recalling the lyrix: "take jeremiah peabody's poly-unsaturated quick-dissolving fast-acting pleasant-tasting green and purple pills." (I'm not sure that the "poly-unsaturated" bit was in the original tho.) I always thought that's where Eminem got the lyrics for his green and purple hills song.
Ordered Seb Hunter's ROCK ME AMADEUS, which i'm sure will be highly entertaining. Maybe i'll do a lil review of it here. Dont 4get2chek him out at the Bitterest Pill.
And speaking of check yourself b4 u wreck yourself, i misred a Salon headline...thought it said something about Borat being appointed to an Israeli govt position. It actually said Barak, not Borat. Whew, i was wondering there 4 a minute. Sounds crazy but ya never know.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy planning my day.
1 comment:
uh-oh ... I think I ordered the OTHER seb book. Oh well ... he still gets the royalties ...
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