Hi. Hello. It's me. Back with plenty o' nothin'. Who could ask4anything more.
Got a message 2day from bruce anderson about eggs left boiling unattended. Have u ever seen boiled eggs on the ceiling? That's what happened 2my neighbor mrs doyle.She left eggs boiling and they exploded all over her kitchen ceiling. Yellow and white chunks. She was always doing stuff like that. One time she shook the orange juice bottle b4 pouring, but she had neglected 2replace the top from b4, and oj went all over the kitchen. Sticky. Her white cat was dirty so mrs d put bleach in kitty's bathwater.
Mrs d was old and she would ask me questions like why was everyone walking around with to-go drinks? Why didnt they have the drinks at the place where they'd bought them?
No tour or shows or anything...2busy watching a charlotte gainsbourg movie. She's older than that now.
Gaun yersel' Mrs Doyle!
she had a slacker son, u know.
i like kittens
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