So, if u want2ask me anything, now's the time and here's the place. Like, BFF Rich had a question about the movement of the moon and Earth. Maybe u have a question about john michael vincent.
And speaking of being drunk and naked, Brittney's bodguard says she was (drunk and) naked in front of her kids. Arent ppl sometimes naked in front of their kids? I didnt get the accusation.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy crocheting a sock.
I have a question. Why didn't I hear the Fedex truck at 1:06 pm today? If I was a dog, I would have heard it.
hmmmm, let's see. u didnt hear the fed ex truck because he is sneaky. yeah, that's it. he sneaked up the stairs, then sneakliy left his little NEEDS SIGNATURE card.
you are so right-on. Sneakiness, yes. Here's another question: Why didn't I eat the mushroom sandwich?
Here's another question: How come I don't know the name of the Wednesday night yoga instructor?
Another question: Can you put a cherry pie in a glass?
let's see...u didnt eat the mushroom sammich because u were a little 2 busy wrapped up in your own little world.
why u cant remember the wednesday nite yoga instructor...i have no idea. i have told u over and over and over again that her name is kate rhodes. not kate truka, not emmie stammel, not jennifer durand.
as for your cherry pie in a glass question, see today's post.(comin' right up).
wait .... i said kate rhodes and you said no. that's what started the whole thing. I said "Kate Rhodes" I'm positive. And then when you said no, I said, "Emma" and then and everything turned ugly. The reason I said Kate Rhodes was because I remembered her boyfriend saying the class was too hard. so something fishy is going on here ... something really fishy!
you call those questions??
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