Hello. How r u? Got a friend request today from myself at myspace. How did THAT happen? Did i request 2b my own friend, and dont remember doing so? Whoa! That's just plain crazy.
Also got a request to send in comments/remarks 2 b included in someone's memoir, but ima havin' trouble remembering anything. This person said "for example, you could write about the time in LA that such and such happened", and shit, i couldnt remember that happening. What should i do? Anybody got any ideas? I guess i could write something really nuts, and then say to this person "WHAT? U dont remember that?" Like, I could say we played strip-poker together, or something like that.
Anyway, no tour or shows or anything...2busy watching BFF Rich trying to figure out how to use his new *****izer.
1 comment:
goin dancin?
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