Whoa! Had a dream last night that dean wareham came to pick me up to hang out a little, drive around town and stuff. We were in the car on Broadway in Sam Fram, and came upon a gigantic construction site, kinda like a busby berkeley meets dw griffith scene. So we gets out and we's watching all this big equipment (oooh) and i look down at myself and see that i am wearing only underpants. What? I ask him "is this what i left the house in?" and he nods yes. Then i ask him "why didnt u tell me?" He just gave me a vague, sly dean wareham kind of smile and went back to looking at the little screen on his phone. (Then A woke up.)
No tour or shows or anything...2busy re-designing my eyebrows.
1 comment:
wow, i had a dream the same night. we were supposed to move to a town in Oregon (a Portland-ish place) and we were eating at a restaurant with some people who were showing us around and then a huge orange lizard the size of a Komodo dragon appeared. The locals made light of it and shoo-ed it away with a broomstick and by yelling. But I was thinking ... that's some scarey wildlife around here.
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