Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
again with the happy new year

R has just recently decided that he'd like to play accordion too, so we r now a two- accordion band. What could be better? Last night we won first place in some contest or other, it all went by in such a blur, i'm not really sure what it was all about.
Got caught in a high tide situation this morning, had to take off our shoes and wade thru water to get back onto our dock. And speaking of things being in the water, it's kind of surreal sometimes when various objects go floating by. I've seen a half-empty plastic bottle of Annie's ketchup, and a grapefruit with the top cut off. U dont usually see this two items floating.
And how YOU doin'?
happy new year again for the second time

This vintage Radio Shack disco light was so cool, but it broke, one feature at a time until it went to the mighty landfill in the sky. Once when George and his girlfriend Tommi came over we had all the lights off, just hanging out watching the lights swirl round and round the living room. Tommi thought the shadows were making an 'M' shape, which she thought was a sign to take M, and she was saying softly over and over, "M, M, M." Tommi had a big parrot named Tuesday, and at their house Tuesday would make the hubba-bubba bong sound whenever the bong came out. I wonder if Tuesday is still with us---i know those birds live quite a long time.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy watching old Scorsese movies.
And how YOU doin'?
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
no chrishmish cards 2 send daddy likes men

Hello. These 2 pix were taken on the same day, one right after the other. The wet dock(Ooooooh.-Ed.)photo is looking to the west, and the rainbow pic is looking to the east. (hope u r clicking for big).
Did u get Jesus something nice 4 his birthday? One of those "for the man who has everything" things? And other than eternal life, does Jesus even buy presents for anyone? No not THAT Jesus, this Jesus.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy walking the docks.
And speaking of hot chicks playing accordions, look who i just found.
And how YOU doin'?
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
i'm on the list
I got some crazy looks goin' on since moving to the docks. Sort of a Pippy Longstocking meets Mark Bingham kind of thing. That is, Mark Bingham in his "Missouri Breaks" period.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy gettin' some heat on.
And how YOU doin'?
Friday, December 18, 2009
there's no snow on the ground, just u and me walkin' around
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
trying to increase my hits by putting the name "Bruce Anderson" in my title

Back in October A and R celebrated with Bruce "The Bruiser" Anderson in honor of his birthday. I may or may not have posted some pix then but i'm 2 lazy 2 check. Anyway when i first met Bruce, he told me that he thought he looked a lot like Burt Reynolds. I didnt know who Burt was and i 4got all about the comment. Sometime after that, I went to the movies with Bruce to see SHAMUS, starring Burt Reynolds. When Burt's face appeared on the screen, ha! Yeah, that's the kind of shit Bruce would do to amuse me.
And speaking of Bruce Anderson, he did great in the year-end lists over at North Fork Sound. Nofo, you got good taste.
Hmmm, not sure the print was legible in yesterday's link TOADFISH, THE COMIC. Will report the trouble to the i.t. guy when he returns from vacation. Sorry for any.
Oh!! This just in... the i.t. guy says to hit the FULLSCREEN button once u r there. NOW u tell us! I mean, THANK u!.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy biting my nails.
And how YOU doin'?
Monday, December 14, 2009
merry christmas beavis and butthead

We went door-to-door on the docks today (dressed up, natch!) to wish our new neighbors Happy Holidays. Everyone seemed so surprised to see us!
And speaking of surprises, first-time houseboat buyers in Sausalito r required 2 sign a waiver saying that they wont sue over toadfish. Toadfish?
And how YOU doin'?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
fire in the sky

Last night in Sausalito wow that sounds like an Eagles song or something. Anyway, last night this annual event took place and this was the finale.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy getting all dolled up for Chrishmish.
And how YOU doin'?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
smoke(and mirror balls) on the water

Whoa! The houseboat b rockin' the other nite in choppy water. Whheeeeeee!
And speaking of "whoa", whoa! it appears that a bong store is opening in sausalito. Huh. Maybe i'll drop by and stimulate their economy.
And how YOU doin'?>
Thursday, December 10, 2009
stellahhhh!(say it like Brando)

Brought a picture of Stella Tennant to the barbershop today and got meself a new haircut, courtesy of Debbie Do (scroll down). Like a lot of ppl i know, she is damaged and kinda shorted out but shines thru like a mickeyfickey. I am getting to know and love her. Today she told me about some of her old boyfriends. One she ditched after he farted while they were doing the wild thing in his van parked outside a club in michigan where they were catching a J. Geils appearance, and another one bit the dust when he showed up unexpectedly after 15 years sporting a comb-over. The doorbell rang, she opened the door, it was him and the first thing she says is "What's with the hair?"
R began his 10-day stay-cation today. I see him across the room, he's catching up on North Fork Sound and is just now seeing the cute lego version of Iggy Pop.
No tour or shows or anything...2 busy calling Bruce Anderson, wanna see what he's up to 2day.
And how YOU doin'?
Monday, December 07, 2009
Sunday, December 06, 2009
dial M for Morphine

Still going thru stuff after the big move; found a diary from 1991. Here r 2 excerpts:
Tuesday June 2
"Went to Nancy's last night, drank M cough syrup. Didnt feel that high but at 7 am this morning when i got up to go to work, i was sick as a dog. A green dog. Couldnt make it to work. Went back to sleep til 5 pm. Had a huge headache whenever i would stand up."
Wednesday June 3
"Played solo accordion at an artyfarty event at deYoung Museum. Still high as hell. Philip was there and he said 'Honey you look just terrible.'
Played from 6 til 7:30 pm. Back at home, finally started feeling more normal and R said it was nice to be able to talk to me again. Apparently i hadnt spoken since Monday night. The only thing i had said was, when R asked me if i had a headache, i answered "How can i have a headache when i dont have a head?"
I'm so out of practice, i could never do shit like that now. Ick.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
young man in the dunes
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
what the????

When i left the boat this morning to do my a.m. give-away (little white flocked collapsible/folding chrishmish tree, about 2 feet tall)the molly kravitz doll was on the sofa, as u saw yesterday. BUT, when i returned, it was seated at the dining table. I knew i shoulda thrown that thing out. As George Earth would say "I'm scared."
Here's another scarey thing: Walking by the projects in Marin City, i looked down, and lying on the sidewalk was a pair of enormous fake eyelashes. THEY WERE HUGE. I thought 2 myself "Sha-zamm! That is one big sistah who lost THESE lashes." A few steps later i saw that someone had tossed a gigantic hot-pink stuffed animal into the bushes, and it was missing its eyelashes. Oh.
And here's ANOTHER(and final)scarey thing: When i was googling "big fake eyelashes", as soon as i typed "big", the first choice that came up was "big boobs".
And u dont believe we're on the eve?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
happy birthday manly-man rich !
Thursday, November 26, 2009
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