Wouldya look at that pie? Now THAT'S pie. And gingercake, from Crixa Cakes in Berkeley.
Thanks 4 bringing home the baked goods Rich!
I'd planned to make mulligatawny for our anniversary dinner. BUT, instead of adding 2 tblspns of flour, i accidentally used psyllium husks. The broth kept getting thicker and thicker, finally turning into an extremely gooey substance that looked like some NASA-developed substance. I had to throw it all out.
In the middle of the night i realized my mistake. I made another batch 2day and it turned out perfectly. Another near-disaster averted in the stimboleum.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy waiting 4 the massage therapist or someone like her.
And how YOU doin'?
si, eetsa rhubarb. crixa also having the "blubarb". pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie.
a big hoosier MMMMMMMMMMMMMM on that one.
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