So, the Bay to Breakers race is over. Or, make that "hung" over. I walked down 2 the beach 2 check it out and was amazed by how many drunk ppl i saw, and how very very drunk they were. I dont understand the desire 2 get that drunk. I mean, is it just me, or are drunk ppl not cute? So many of them had fallen and couldnt get up. A Kenyan won the race, i wonder if he ran barefoot.
I saw alot of funny things, and by far the funniest was a girl who had a long brown messy wig TIED IN A PONYTAIL, coming out of the waistband of her cut-offs. Can u picture it? I saw her from a distance coming toward me and i knew something looked pretty weird then when she got closer 2 me, i got a good look. God it was strange and i laughed out loud.
My friend Dale(he's the one on the right) saw some guys wearing nothing but jockstraps and unicorn horns. Say that really fast: jockstraps and unicorn horns jockstraps and unicorn horns.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy visiting relatives.
And how YOU doin'?
crowds. :-(
I begin on internet with a directory
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