So yeah, finally ate my first chermoya. Think of it as a less acidic, gentler kiwi, that's creamy and white on the inside. (ooooh.-ed). It was delicious, but that face was slightly disturbing to eat.
Went to the warhol exhibit at the de young. It wasnt all that as far as being an exhibit goes, and i love warhol. (p.s. i remember the day he died. Howard Thompson was visiting A and R, and when i returned 2 the Stimboleum after roller skating on the Ocean Beach bikepath, HT told me the sad news. I'll always remember the way the sunlight was coming in the dining room at that moment). Ennnyway, the show is more about being a successful marketing tool for the warhol store that accompanies the exhibit. 4 the Stimboleum, i chose these.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy waiting 4 dinner---i'm starving.
And how YOU doin'?
speaking of "Stay Hungry", wasn't Sally Fields body incredible in that?
yeah and now she's gotta take boneeva. :-(
speaking of bone-eva
have you seen Mickey Rourke in "Bullet"
oh lordy.
oh YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what about SPUN? have u seen that one?
no, but i just ordered it from amazon.
Mickey & meth sounds like a winning combo.
i tossed The Lover (with Jane March) & Angel Heart into the shopping cart because both Mickey & former girl of my dreams Lisa Bonet are in that one.
i'm stimulating the economy today.
thanks for the tip!
Soon i will own a total of 5 DVDs!
if HOMEBOY was on disc u would own a total of 6! :-)
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