Friday, January 18, 2008

dog suit

Hi. Dont ya hate it when u see something great and u dont have your camera with u. I gotta remember tho that my new phone has a camera but im not used2 it yet so i keep thinking it's just a phone.

Anyway, i saw a guy who was wearing a tattered and dirty dog suit(white with big brown spots, with the head/face part of the suit tipped back). He opened the tiny back door(which had a yellow ruffly curtain) of his little camper, crouched down to fit thru, and went inside. Wow. It was sunny and bright and the way the light hit the guy's face, i could see all his whiskers. Kinda high-lighted. He looked sorta drunk or messed up. What an amazing thing to see. The dog suit was the same colors as this dog suit. Only nasty.

No tour or shows or anything...2busy getting back from sonoma.

And how YOU doin'?

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