Saturday, October 10, 2009

one bad apple, etc.

Uh oh. R just called from the Apple store. Not good. Not good at all. They had told him his laptop would b ready 4 pick-up this morning, that all was well. So far, he's been there for about 2 hours, with one problem after another which i wont bore u with. Finally, they brought out "his" computer, but, uh oh, it wasnt his. More gruesome details as they come in. :-(


mxrich said...

all good at apple store. They tried to do me a favor by giving me snow leopard on my new HDD (also got a new logic board -- I guess I had one sick puppy) which would have been nice since I lost the SL disk. But they disappeared into the back and put SL on somebody else laptop and then offered it to me - almost got a free 15-incher! Finally one of the orange shirts - they're the most effective apple workers -- got me on track and I left after 103 minutes. Almost bought some software but I used the free computers there to order it cheaper from Amazon. Take that!! Then I broke down and got a keyboard so I guess I'm a sucka after all!!

steve o said...

i hear once you go apple you can't go back

4D Advertising Group said...

But you have one slick keyboard.

pinky said...

keyboard: one of those minis?

pinky said...

can Amazon take your software back without notice? hehehehehe

mxrich said...

no, not mini keyboard ... I got the long one but then my soon-to-be ex-neighbor Steve FIshman gave me his copy of Snow Leopard and offered me TWO long keyboards so I'm headed for keyboard returns (minus 10% restock fees).
Took a few hours but reinstalled everything and started up Time Machine. Had to reinstall OS in order to get rid of the administrator - Benjamin Connelly -- who I guess must be one of the ornage shirts at Apple Store.

pinky said...

up & running is GOOD.