Hello and hope u r cozy as we head into new year's eve. Ya got your pharma and blanky gathered up? Got your DVDs and cheesy poofs? Swedish meatballs? Almond rocca? Dont4get your ingredients for hot chocolate with smarshmallows. And what's that alcohol u put into hot chocky, kinda minty-like? Mmmmm thatsa delipshish drink. Yours truly used2order it at the Bottom of the Hill b4 yours truly was Over the Hill. ha ha. Later, all y'all.

1 comment:
Yes, I remember that drink. Here's how some people do it.
In a small pot, bring 1 cup half and half to a boil. Remove from heat and add to 8 ounces chocolate (no it doesn't have to be the Scharfenburger shit) in a bowl. Stir until chocolate has fully melted.
Return chocolate liquid to the pot, or refrigerate until ready for use.
Before serving, add milk. Warm over medium heat, stirring occasionally until it simmers.
Pour into individual mugs. Stir in 1 ounce of creme de menthe to each mug just before serving. Yummeee
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