Can anyone explain this sign? It says SAFE SURRENDER SITE. Is it for when u find a baby on the street? Is it for those times when u r fed up with your own baby? It is posted at the local neighborhood fire station. Dont wanna seem suspicious by going in to ask about the sign. So wont u please, be my be my, be my little baby. My one and only baby. Say you'll be my darling. And be my baby now. Ah wo ho ho ho-o. Not the Santa kind of ho ho ho. The Phil Spector kind. Googled him yesterday, didnt seem 2b any new news. Well, Im not touring and neither is he. But i guess Santa might be. The world is a big place when your only car is reindeer. Which reminds me of a funny bumper-sticker idea i once had. Well, I thought it was funny anyway..."My other car is an accordion". OK Santa, have a nice tour. And dont4get those yoga flashcards i asked for. (Please).

1 comment:
Since you asked, "The Safely Surrendered Baby Law (also known as the Safe Haven Law or Newborn Abandonment Law) was signed into law by Governor Davis in September 2000 and went into effect on January 1, 2001. The purpose of the law is to protect babies from being hurt or killed because they were abandoned. The law allows a parent or legal guardian to confidentially surrender an infant, three days old or younger, to any hospital emergency room or other designated Safe Surrender site. As long as the baby has not been abused or neglected, the person may surrender the baby without fear of arrest or prosecution for child abandonment.
So that's the story and thanks for asking
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