HONK HONK!! HONK HONK!! That's right, that's ME honking. I had one just like this, only mines had a black soft-top convertible. WITH an 8track player. Hell-O! I cant believe that i used 2 race around michigan in a Jaguar. Got stopped a bunch, but never got a ticket. And no, i didnt have 2 perform any acts 4 any police officers. Mostly they were just amazed that a Jag doing 120 mph was being driven by a female. They would mostly b amused and just want to ask questions about the car. Uh oh, all of a sudden i'm wondering if i've already told u this. Hmmmm, oh well, so sue me if i cant remember every little thing. Anyway, needles 2 say it was pretty cool.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy emptying contents of gelatin capsules. I aint eatin' no pony hooves.
And how YOU doin'?
The best man at our wedding, Steve Hoy, bought this 1972 Jag at an e-bay auction in Hilton Head. They were serving free draft beer (Bud Light) on an especially hot day and he whipped out his credit card. We helped him load it on a trailer and haul it to Charleston where it sits.
Paul and Peggi
wish mine was a ragtop
wish mine was a ragtop
wish mine was a ragtop
n now jaguar will be an Indian product. tk
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