I kept smelling a bad odor in the bedroom(UH-oh!-Ed.)and determined that it was coming from the platform bed-frame. So R took it apart and we saw that the materials had been stamped with this warning. Ironic because we had asked the previous owners 2 leave the bed here at the boat because it looked cool and had drawers underneath but...sleeping on formaldehyde ees no good no bueno. Pretty weird that THEY did, considering that they used Method cleaning products. Just sayin'.
can you just toss it into the ocean?
haha we joked about it, one of throws it over while the other makes the coughing sound.
kerplunk. into the drink.
how does plumbing work on a boat?
just like in a landlubber house except lines r underwater. not scarey or anything, not like trailer toities.
when do we get to see pictures?! xo
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