Tuesday, November 10, 2009

u have to have a fly's eye to see it

"Flies are all around me
Scratching up and down me
I just took a bath but they dont seem to mind". So sayeth Mark Bingham, during the Screaming Gypsy Bandits time. That's a fly on R's lips ewwwww.
Moving day is tomorrow. The mothership b floatin' and shit. Flip movies as soon as.
Well, i gotta go, my new posse is waiting 4 me.
And how YOU doin'?


Anonymous said...

I can' believe I know somebody who lives on a boat. How cool is that? I hope its as good as it sounds.


pinky said...

i'm sorry about your toof.

Rich said...

hi hamp! love, hemp

pinky said...

oh it's a fly.