The Stimboleum has been on a serious weight-loss program for days now. (A complete list of things gotten rid of will be provided soon.)
Here's a shout-out to Bro. Don Ciccone...hey Don! Keep an eye out 4 more VU offerings left at your front door. And nae offense (i hope) if they were gifts from u; A&R will be sharing a closet on the houseboat so we r in a brutal stuff-reduction situation.
Well, gotta go, the kids r waiting 4 me.
love your artwork
thanks, A. Don't quite understand the pin, but L O V E the ring.
pin artwork was used on posters for LUTHER BLUE store in north beach. image appeared with the words FINISHED BEFORE IT BEGAN.
also, ring given 2 A from Mr. Blue in the 70s.
i figgered it was a blue thing. :-)
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