Ahoy! Cap'n Angie here.
This is what we see, at low tide, from the downstairs level of our boat. These steel balls were used to float submarine nets in World War II. During high tide, the balls r invisible.
It's a soft rainy morning, the water looks velvety.
how much does the tide go up and down in S.F.? here in the holy city we have about 6 feet of tidal movement, we have two high and two low tides per day
7' 1" floods the parking lot that's all i know right now...got 2 study the tide log. it's salt water and does irreversible damage to autos and tires.
irreversible, wow, that sounds so permanent(sp?), like those eggs they used to fry and then say, "this is your brain on drugs", don worry about the salt water, you have to have some kind of anode or some block of metal attached to your hull that stops the salt from eating said hull, if it's steel.i think you guys have embarked on a courageous venture into the world of houseboats and living on the water. it's fabulous, i'm so happy for you!!
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