This is what we saw from our kitchen windows yesterday morn. But THE most exciting thing that happened yesterday was spending not one cent to have stuff hauled from our old house, no dealing with FREECYCLE ppl or CRAIGSLIST ppl. In our old 'hood,on our way to get coffee, we saw a guy on Balboa Street having his weekly garage sale, so we pulled over and axed him did he want to have any of our stuff 4 free. He came over immediately in his truck and took everything...futon, park bench, file cabinets, 2-level wardrobe rack on wheels, 5 floor lamps, blue mirror-top wooden end table from the 40s, clothing, jeez i cant remember what-all, and he's coming back 4 more tomorrow, AND taking junk 2 the dump for us at no charge in exchange 4 all the stuff we gave him. I was dreading having 2 pay for a hauling service; our former next-door neighbor paid over $900 to have someone haul away his unwanted stuff and i just couldnt see doing that. So with the hundreds we saved we figured we were allowed to go to FISH for dinner (again). We knew it would be packed, so we took blankets and bundled up and ate outside under the stars. Wow it was a great end to a bizzizzy day. This is one of our favorite chefs there, he's the one who said "I love u too" when we told him we loved him. He doesnt work at FISH anymore. We wonder where he is and hope he's ok.
Wow. Wish we could join you at Fish.
yes they r brilliant and caring.
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