Do u see the birdy? Well if u wanna be a bird, why dontcha try a little bird seed? cuz it's much cheaper than if u was to fly. and if u was to fly, u might fall and break your keister, and it'd be easter, b4 u could walk.
Speaking of easter, dont u love Peeps? There are all kinds of Peeps now, all during the year, one for every holiday. Nontour diary prefers the misprinted ones, u know, the Peeps that have 3 eyes, or the mouth is in the wrong place or the whole entire face is blurry.
Ewww, that reminds me of when i once drank 2much 151 rum and coke. nontour diary never was good at drinking. And speaking of touring, a bandmate once said to me in the van after a show, "Ya know what your problem is? You're not an alcoholic."
So there's your tour-story4the day. Stay tuned for more tour stories. (Because i cant remember any right now.) x0x0

what is that beautiful fabric in those amazing lush colors? what is that smell?
and what is that SOUND? everybody look what's goin' down...
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