Hello. I went on a walk along the beach and i saw a watermelon perched on the seawall. I walked in the dunes which were lit so beautifully by the late-afternoon sun, then went into Golden Gate Park, where i saw a guy playing red sparkly drums.
He said he didnt mind if i took some pix of him playing. Notice that his kit is set up on a folded yoga mat? Ya gotta love it. He was a really twinkly and friendly guy, and said "you dont have to be young and sexy to play the drums...you can be OLD and sexy." He asked me if i would send him the pix and gave me a brochure that contained his email addy. When i got home i looked at the brochure;he is a certified Alexander Technique practitioner. What an interesting guy. Sorry i couldnt find him on the web so u could see.
Blogspot is being v. slow and difficult so i am hanging up now b4 i lose everything.
No tour or shows or anything...2busy dealing with a neighbor's malfunctioning car alarm. . (File under 'neighborhood disturbance').
And how YOU doin'?
done with this watermelon...
the YOU's always make me smile. literally.
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