uh oh...what's happened here? hmmm...looks grisly.
and speaking of grisly, have u seen the werner herzog movie about the idiot bear-man? he's so dumb, cmon rip him2shreds.
and speaking of shredding, have u heard the band THE BAD PLUS? they do a killer instrumental version of iron man.
well, gotta go, gotta get back on youtube.
oh yeah, speaking of youtube, a fan in scotland watched JET BOY on youtube, and sent us a nice note ...they fondly remembered seeing an ACC live performance at a bookstore in glasgow. We remember it fondly as well. There were a few very young kids there, like, maybe around 9 or 10 years old, and their favorite song was ME AND MY BERETTA. Apparently they had skipped school that day to attend the show. Way 2 get going on that rock and roll lifestyle kids! They knew all the words to the songs, it was presh, what can i say. Sometimes i find myself wondering about those kids...well, wherever u r kids, love from here...hope u r alright. x0

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